Dear Friend,
It’s a God thing.
Two years ago God blessed my church, New Direction Bible Fellowship, that I have had the privilege of pastoring with a 10-acre property in Middletown, Delaware. This occurred just as the pandemic was at its high point.
After working through multiple challenges, we are finally able to move forward with building. Even with our financing in place, there is a $100,000 gap. Due to fluctuating costs, we have 32 days to close the gap.
With your help, the cost of labor, materials and our contractors can be locked in. We are so close.
Join us in this wonderful opportunity to build a house for God that will impact lives for eternity.
You can contribute by going to our website, Follow the instructions on how to give to the building project.
“Some plant others water, but God gives the increase…”
I Corinthians 3:6
We thank you for your prayerful consideration to join us as we seek not simply to build the church, but to build the kingdom of God through making disciples that make disciples.
Believing Together,
Pastor Tony H. Benson, Sr.